Project (Consortium) Manager
Posted 2025-03-14Project (Consortium) Manager: Strengthening locally-led solutions to intersecting peace, gender and climate change challenges in the borderlands of Kenya, South Sudan, and Uganda
Either Juba, Kampala or Nairobi
Reporting to
Country Director/Manager of Recruiting Country (Kenya, South Sudan, or Uganda)
Management responsibility
No direct line management responsibilities but task management of key project staff, budget holders and finance/grant managers in relation to achieving project deliverables.
Type of position
Grade and Salary
Grade F0 as per Uganda/South Sudan/Kenya local pay structure
Contract terms and hours
18 months contract with possible extension, contingent upon final approval of the project by the donor. Start date September/October 2023.
The standard working week is 37.5 hours.
Saferworld is an independent international organisation working to prevent violent conflict and build safer lives. We work with people affected by conflict to improve their safety and sense of security, and conduct wider research and analysis. We use this evidence and learning to improve local, national and international policies and practices that can help build lasting peace. Our priority is people ? we believe in a world where everyone can lead peaceful, fulfilling lives, free from fear and insecurity. We are a not-for-profit organisation operational in 10 countries across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.Saferworld is committed to providing a safe and trusted environment that safeguards our staff, partners and communities. Our organisational integrity is derived from the values and principles that underpin and guide our work.
Climate, conflict and the environment is one of Saferworld?s five strategic objectives. Within our new global strategy, we have committed to providing conflict and peacebuilding expertise to support urgent solutions to the combined threats of the climate crisis, conflict and environmental degradation. We will build on work Saferworld has done on the complex ways that the climate crisis and conflict dynamics can reinforce one another, and the important role that people ? communities, civil society organisations and decisionmakers ? can play in finding innovative responses. We work with communities and build partnerships with civil society organisations to address the specific ways environmental degradation creates greater insecurity, poverty and marginalisation in each place.
From September 2023, Saferworld will lead a Consortium consisting of six civil society organisations from Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda as part of a project ?Strengthening locally-led solutions to intersecting peace, gender and climate change challenges in the borderlands of Kenya, South Sudan, and Uganda?. Across Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda, there are intersecting challenges of: violent conflict which leads to insecurity and loss of life; patriarchal structures which increase women?s risk of gender-based violence and exclude them from decision-making; and climate change which has reduced access to arable land and to water, created biodiversity loss, and heightened food insecurity. The aim of this project is to enhance human security and gender equality by addressing transboundary conflict and the effects of climate change through strengthening locally-led solutions to intersecting peace, gender, and climate challenges across the three countries.
Job purpose:
The Project Consortium Manager will be responsible for the successful delivery of the ?Strengthening locally-led solutions to intersecting peace, gender and climate change challenges in the borderlands of Kenya, South Sudan, and Uganda?project. The Project Consortium Manager will hold overall responsibility for the implementation of the project, oversee grant management, provide technical expertise, and lead on coordination of the overall programme.
The Project Consortium Manager will work closely with partners to ensure delivery of agreed project deliverables. They will be responsible for establishing and maintaining good working relations with civil society organisations and networks; linking with other teams and related projects across Saferworld and partners, and among the donor community (in particular the Austrian Development Agency) to share best practices and lessons learnt.
The job holder will have a key role in the development and implementation of the new Knowledge and Learning strategy, particularly how communities, their authorities, and other actors have increased understanding of and can respond to how climate, conflict, pastoral/agriculturalist conflict and other factors impact communities, particularly, management of pasture, and GBV, designed to maximise our and others understanding of this set of challenges, and how to respond to them
Roles and responsibilities:
Consortium, programme management, quality, and impact
- Provide leadership for the effective and efficient management of the project, in accordance with Saferworld organisational and donor requirements.
- Oversee implementation and achievement of project objectives by the project team and partners.
- Ensure that joint planning, budgeting, and reporting are conducted promptly and to quality.
- Identify areas where additional inputs are needed to ensure high quality programming, ensuring that relevant technical expertise and capacity strengthening support is available to staff and partners.
- Ensure an overall monitoring and evaluation plan is in place for the programme and implemented.
- Explore and build opportunities for programme growth and follow-on funding in the course of implementing the project through quality programme delivery processes.
- Be responsible for nurturing and maintaining a robust, honest, and transparent relationship with project partners, ensuring the project?s partnerships are managed in line with Saferworld?s partnership approach.
- Lead in the identification of project risks and proactively work with partners to mitigate risk factors against partnership and project delivery plans.
- Chair the meetings of the project steering committee and ensure that action points agreed during the meetings are followed through.
Financial management and financial and narrative reporting
- Have overall responsibility for financial management of the project. This includes working with budget holders and finance staff in Uganda, South Sudan and Kenya, and ensure that all activities and expenditures are conducted within budget allocations.
- Facilitate monthly consortium level grant management meetings to monitor programme expenditure, prepare budget revisions and forecasts, review monthly financial data and ensure timely financial reporting to the donor, in coordination with the budget holders and grant managers.
- Coordinate the collation of narrative reporting to donors, including coordinating reporting by staff and partners and consolidating overall reports.