Posted 2025-03-15
Remote, USA
Immediate Start
- My book- The Magic Of The Mind is now available online and in stores...Responsibilities...You will be writing snippets using an algorithm - with each word of the sentence beginning with the next letter of the alphabet - beginning with A - and so on...Your passages - if unique and written with courage and passion - will be published in my next book with Pegasus Publishers.Your author credit will be indexed.PLEASE stop writing after the letter U.I want each writer to use their own style and get creative - dig deep and allow this opportunity as an outlet as well as a pursuit towards self-discovery and acknowledgment.
- -- EXAMPLES:A Beautiful Christmas Dream Envelopes Family Gatherings High Into Jarring Karma Later Moved; Now Opening Presents Questions Reciprocation So Truly Unforgettable; Verifiably With Xeroxed Years Zoomed.Altered Between Caring Delights Enveloped Forever, Growing High, Inviting, Jiving. Knowingly Light, My Numbness Opens Painlessly; Quivering, Reeling Slowly Towards Upward Visions With Xenial Yearning Zaps.Also, By Candlelit Dinners Even Fragility Gets Hacked In Jokes Known Light. My Nervousness Offers Personal Quivers Really Stalling True Understanding; Vices Where Xylophones Yell Zaps.After Bright Clouds Diminished Enough For Grand Hills Ignited, Justifiably Knocking Less Mountains Near Open, Pretty, Quaint Rivers; Shadows Trailing Under Viscous Waves X-rayed Yearning Zen.Awaiting By Castles Deserted, Engaged Fantasies Grown Holy In Journeys Known Loyal. Magical Nuances Omened Potions Quite Ritually Surprising To Unassuming Visitors With Xenial Youthful Zest.Awakened By Cats Deemed Evil, Fur Got Hammered Into Jack?s Knotted Light Mane. None Offered Purrs; Quarrels Resumed, Stopping The Unforgiving Venom Which Xenoblast Your Zoo.?Adored by clocks - driven equally further; glistening?help it jingle kindly; laugh mockingly; nurture openly; pour quivering reasons - so true understanding vroom?
- -- QualificationsExcellent written communication skills with creative writing as an excelled skill.Thank you for interest.Becca