Rockstar VA To Message Businesses For Me
Posted 2025-03-14NOTE: I am looking for a superstar long term virtual assistant for a project.
Each month if I put together a big 9 x 12 postcard that goes out to 10,000 homes in my local area. It has 17 spots where I sell advertising on the postcard.
All I do is message businesses on their Facebook page here locally. I almost never talk to anyone on the phone. I sent about 25 messages a day.
Right now I do two postcards, but I?m looking at open up an area in Franklin, Tennessee, which is right up the road from me.
I?m looking for a virtual assistant that would be willing to send my messages for me each week and help me build this card since I already run two already.
I?m willing to pay well and include nice bonuses. I?m wanting to do this long-term.
I might want you to do other things, but right now I just need someone to message for me because it?s hard for me to organize everything.
I will design the ads on the postcard. I will do any phone calls that need to be done although I rarely talk to anyone on the phone..
- You must have a great attitude and be fun to work with. I?m very laid-back and like to have a good time so I?m looking for someone who is the same. Your friends would describe you as a nice person.
- I need someone that can be deadlines. I build the card the first two weeks of the month and then the second two weeks. I?ll take it to the printer.. I would need someone that can get the spots filled between the first and the 15th of the month. No selling is involved.. you just send them a link to my website.
- You must be excellent at communication and being honest person.
This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work from home and make some really good money doing it.
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