Require Assistant HS Outdoor Track Coach in Haddam, CT
Posted 2025-03-15Job title: Assistant HS Outdoor Track Coach
Company: Regional School District 17
Job description: *Please make sure to fully complete the application including a cover letter & resume
(also refer to CT Coaching Competencies)
Please contact Lynne Flint with any questions
v Good communication skills
v Fairness/objectivity
v Desire to see athletes succeed while still having fun
v Knowledge of the sport
v Knowledge of league rules
v Knowledge of state rules and regulations
v Be responsible
v Be a teacher of the game
v Not infringe on other coaches
v Have a fun/positive environment
v Be consistent, realistic and upfront with team expectations
v Appropriate practice skills
v Working in the community to build the program
v Patience
v Hard working, attention to detail
v Adult role model
v Be effective in motivating, guiding and understanding athletes
v Be able to relate to other coaches in your sport (communicate with families and other
H-K staff)
v Be able to coach with your heart and your head
v Understand your athletes
v Ability to work with athletes of all skill levels
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Expected salary:
Location: Haddam, CT