A&P Mechanic - MCO (up to $50,000 pre-employment sign-on bonus for fully qualified new hires)
Posted 2025-03-14<strong>Why Work for Frontier Airlines?<br><br></strong>At Frontier, we believe the skies should be for everyone. We deliver on this promise through our commitment to Low Fares Done Right. This is more than our tagline - it?s our driving philosophy. Every member of Team Frontier has an important role to play in bringing this vision to life. Our successful business model allows travelers to take advantage of our fast-growing route network while our bundled and unbundled pricing options allow our customers to personalize their travel experience and only pay for the services they need ? saving them money along the way.<br><br><strong>What We Stand For<br><br></strong>Low Fares Done Right is our mission and we strive to bring it to life every day. Our ?Done Right? promise means delivering not only affordable prices, but making travel <strong>friendly</strong> and easy for our customers. To do this, we put a great deal of <strong>care</strong> into every decision and action we take. We must be efficient with the use of our resources and make smart decisions about how we run our business. We must also innovate and be <strong>pioneers</strong> - we?re not afraid to try new things. While our business requires us to fly high in the air, we also consider ourselves <strong>down-to-earth</strong> in our approach, creating a warm and friendly experience that truly demonstrates Rocky Mountain Hospitality.<br><br><strong>Work Perks<br><br></strong>At Frontier, we like to think we?re creating something very special for our team members. Work is why we?re here, but the perks are nice too:<br><ul><li>Flight benefits for you and your family to fly on Frontier Airlines.</li><li>Buddy passes for your friends so they can experience what makes us so great.</li><li>Discounts throughout the travel industry on hotels, car rentals, cruises and vacation packages.</li><li>Discounts on cell phone plans, movie tickets, restaurants, luggage and over 2,000 other vendors.</li><li>Enjoy a ?Dress for your Day? business casual environment.</li><li>Flexible work schedules that support work/life balance.</li><li>Total Rewards program including a competitive base salary, short term incentives, long-term incentives, paid holidays, 401(k) plan, vacation/sick time and medical/dental/vision insurance that begins the 1st of the month following hire date.</li><li>We play our part to make a difference. The HOPE League, Frontier Airlines? non-profit organization, is dedicated to providing employees financial assistance during catastrophic hardship.<br><br></li></ul><strong>Who We Are<br><br></strong>Frontier Airlines is committed to offering ?Low Fares Done Right? to more than 100 destinations and growing in the United States, Canada, Dominican Republic and Mexico on more than 450 daily flights. Headquartered in , Frontier?s hard-working aviation professionals pride themselves in delivering the company?s signature Low Fares Done Right service to customers. Frontier Airlines is the proud recipient of the Federal Aviation Administration?s 2018 Diamond Award for maintenance excellence and was recently named the industry?s most fuel-efficient airline by The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) as a result of superior technology and operational efficiencies.<br><br><strong>What Will You Be Doing?<br><br></strong>The aircraft mechanic is responsible for performing various maintenance functions on company aircraft in accordance with all company policies and procedures as well as all federal aviation regulations.<br><br><strong>Essential Functions<br></strong><ul><li>Perform and assist approved work by their leads within the scheduled shift.</li><li>Ensure completeness of all assigned work documents and records.</li><li>Seek on-the-job training during work shift to ensure proper qualification standards are met and maintained.</li><li>Coordinate all activities with lead mechanic in charge or station supervisor.</li><li>Research all pertinent information and material for work scheduled on aircraft.</li><li>Maintain cleanliness of maintenance areas at all times.</li><li>Ensure a ?clean as you go? job ethic is adhered to.</li><li>Ensure that all maintenance areas meet good ?housekeeping? standards.</li><li>Ensure that all tools (both personal and company owned) are removed from the aircraft, aircraft engines, appliances, and components.</li><li>Always maintain positive tool control accountability.</li><li>Immediately report lost and/or found tools to management.</li><li>Follow all rules and regulations in order to maintain a safe working environment for all employees.</li><li>Research all pertinent information and material for work scheduled on aircraft.</li><li>Input necessary data into the maintenance tracking software systems.</li><li>Enter completed work into maintenance tracking software systems.</li><li>Perform other duties as assigned.</li><li>Comply with and implement the necessary procedures in the MEL/CDL/NEF Program.</li><li>Monitor the proper completion of aircraft records (e.g., logbook pages, work cards, non-routines, engineering documents [EOs, EAs, etc.], and other related documents).</li><li>Ensure accuracy and completeness of all assigned work documents and records.</li><li>Make FMIS entries as required.</li><li>Vol. D Maintain familiarization with the training requirements necessary as defined in the GMM 100: Maintenance Training Program and ensure training is current prior to performing the functions and tasks of this position.</li><li>Perform other duties as assigned.</li><li>Always follow (never deviate from) approved published procedures unless proper deviation is authorized.</li><li>Additional responsibilities, as follows, by job qualification area:</li><li>Interior Crew - remove, repair, and reinstall aircraft interiors including seats, galleys, lavatories, sidewalls, ceilings, flooring, etc.<br><br></li></ul><strong>Qualifications<br></strong><ul><li>FAA certificated mechanic with Airframe and Powerplant ratings</li><li>Requires two (2) years of experience performing maintenance in the following areas on A320 series or large similar type aircraft: maintenance checks, engine changes, gear changes, structural repairs, flight control rigging, component maintenance on A320 serious aircraft or on larger similar type aircraft or successful completion of accredited A&P mechanic training course.</li><li>When directed by management, must obtain taxi and run-up qualification on all aircraft types within six months of assignment in Line Maintenance<br><br></li></ul><strong>Qualification by Job Qualification Area ? Interior Crew Mechanic<br></strong><ul><li>FAA certificated mechanic with Airframe rating</li><li>Requires two (2) years of experience performing maintenance in one or more of the following areas on A320 series or large similar type aircraft: maintenance checks, engine changes, landing gear replacement, structural repairs, flight control rigging, component maintenance on A320 series aircraft or on large similar type aircraft or successful completion of accredited A&P mechanic training course</li><li>When directed by management, must obtain taxi and run-up qualification on all aircraft types within six months of assignment in Line Maintenance</li><li>Must have ability to complete differences training</li><li>Must demonstrate behavior that portrays the company core values of Safety, Respect, Trust, Collaboration, Value, and Passion while communicating with personnel and acting on behalf of the company</li><li>Must have the ability to plan, organize, and administrate workloads to subordinates</li><li>Position requires extremely strenuous physical work involving objects in excess of 100 lbs. occasionally, and in excess of 50 lbs. frequently<br><br></li></ul><strong>Knowledge, Skills And Abilities<br></strong><ul><li>Must have ability to complete differences training</li><li>Must demonstrate behavior that portrays the company core values of Safety, Respect, Trust, Collaboration, Value, and Passion while communicating with personnel and acting on behalf of the company <br><br></li></ul><strong>Compensation<br><br></strong>Base Rate : <strong>$28.76 per hr</strong>. increases to <strong>$29.27 per hr.</strong> after 90 days<br><br>Additional Premiums:<br><ul><li>$1.20 A License $1.20 P License </li><li>$1.00 Run/Taxi Qualified after training </li><li>$1.00 Graveyard Shift</li><li>$.75 3 yrs Airbus exp. and Gen Fam certified or after training </li><li>$.75 3 yrs Airbus exp. and Troubleshooting certified or after training <br><br></li></ul>Now offering a pre-employment sign-on bonus of up to $50,000 for fully-qualified new hires who start employment between September 1, 2023 and December 31st, 2023:<br><br>0-1 years of Line MX Experience $20,000 1-2 years of Line MX Experience $20,000 2-3 years of Line MX Experience $30,000 3-4 years of Line MX Experience $30,000 4-5 years of Line MX Experience or 3+ years experience with Airbus $40,000 5+ 3+ years w/Airbus experience = $50,000 $50,000<br><br>3+ years w/Airbus experience = $50,000<br><br>Full details of the Sign-on Bonus Program are available upon request.<br><br>Terms and Conditions apply (please review the program documents for full information):<br><ul><li>MX experience is subject to verification</li><li>All bonus payments are paid pre-employment upon receipt of the necessary signed documents</li><li>All bonus payments require a 3-year commitment; if an employee leaves before the end of the commitment period, the full bonus amount, plus interest, will be due. <br><br></li></ul><strong>?Por qu? trabajar en Frontier Airlines?<br><br></strong>En Frontier Airlines, creemos que los cielos deben ser accesibles para todos. Cumplimos esta promesa a trav?s de nuestro compromiso con tarifas bajas, bien hechas. Esto es m?s que nuestro eslogan, es nuestra filosof?a de conducci?n. Cada miembro del Equipo Frontier tiene un papel importante que desempe?ar para hacer realidad esta visi?n. Nuestro exitoso modelo de negocios permite a los viajeros aprovechar nuestra red de rutas de r?pido crecimiento, mientras que nuestras opciones de precios combinados y separados permiten a nuestros clientes personalizar su experiencia de viaje y pagar solo por los servicios que necesitan, ahorr?ndoles dinero a la larga.<br><br><strong>Beneficios de Trabajo<br></strong><ul><li>Beneficios de vuelo para que usted y su familia vuelen en Frontier Airlines.</li><li>Boletos de vuelo para sus amigos para que sepan lo que nos hace tan geniales</li><li>Descuentos en toda la industria de viajes en hoteles, alquiler de autos, cruceros y paquetes de vacaciones.</li><li>Descuentos en planes de telefon?a celular, boletos de cine, restaurantes, equipaje y m?s de 2,000 proveedores m?s.</li><li>Disfrute de un entorno informal de trabajo "V?stete para tu d?a".</li><li>Horarios de trabajo flexibles que apoyan el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal.</li><li>Programa Total Rewards que incluye un salario base competitivo, incentivos a corto plazo, incentivos a largo plazo, vacaciones pagadas, plan de retiro 401(k), vacaciones/tiempo por enfermedad y seguro m?dico/dental/de la vista que comienza el primero del mes siguiente a la fecha de contrataci?n.</li><li>Hacemos nuestra parte para marcar la diferencia. La Liga HOPE, la organizaci?n sin fines de lucro de Frontier Airlines, se dedica a brindar asistencia financiera a los empleados durante dificultades catastr?ficas.<br><br></li></ul><strong>Funci?n Principal<br><br></strong>El mec?nico es responsable de realizar varias funciones de mantenimiento en las aeronaves de la empresa de acuerdo con todas las pol?ticas y procedimientos de la empresa, as? como con todos los reglamentos de la FAA.<br><br><strong>Funciones Esenciales<br></strong><ul><li>Realizar y ayudar en el trabajo aprobado por sus l?deres dentro del turno programado.</li><li>Garantizar la integridad de todos los documentos y registros de trabajo asignados.</li><li>Pedir capacitaci?n en el trabajo durante el turno de trabajo para garantizar que se cumplan y mantengan los est?ndares de calificaci?n adecuados.</li><li>Coordinar todas las actividades con el mec?nico principal a cargo o el supervisor de la estaci?n.</li><li>Investigar toda la informaci?n y material pertinente para el trabajo programado en las aeronaves.</li><li>Mantener la limpieza de las ?reas de mantenimiento en todo momento.</li><li>Aseg?rese de que se respete una ?tica de trabajo de "limpieza sobre la marcha".</li><li>Aseg?rese de que todas las ?reas de mantenimiento cumplan con los buenos est?ndares de "limpieza".</li><li>Aseg?rese de que todas las herramientas (tanto personales como de la empresa) se retiren de la aeronave, los motores de la aeronave, los aparatos y los componentes.</li><li>Mantenga siempre una responsabilidad de control de herramientas positiva.</li><li>Informe inmediatamente a la gerencia sobre las herramientas perdidas y/o encontradas.</li><li>Siga todas las reglas y regulaciones para mantener un ambiente de trabajo seguro para todos los empleados.</li><li>Investigar toda la informaci?n y material pertinente para el trabajo programado en las aeronaves.</li><li>Introducir los datos necesarios en los sistemas de software de seguimiento de mantenimiento.</li><li>Ingrese el trabajo completado en los sistemas de software de seguimiento de mantenimiento.</li><li>Realizar otras tareas que le sean asignadas.</li><li>Cumplir e implementar los procedimientos necesarios en el Programa MEL/CDL/NEF.</li><li>Supervisar la correcta finalizaci?n de los registros de la aeronave (p. ej., p?ginas del libro de registro, tarjetas de trabajo, no rutinas, documentos de ingenier?a [EO, EA, etc.] y otros documentos relacionados).</li><li>Garantizar la precisi?n y la integridad de todos los documentos y registros de trabajo asignados.</li><li>Hacer entradas FMIS seg?n sea necesario.</li><li>Mantener la familiarizaci?n con los requisitos de capacitaci?n necesarios seg?n se define en el Manual General de Mantenimiento, GMM 100: Programa de capacitaci?n en mantenimiento y asegurarse de que la capacitaci?n est? actualizada antes de realizar las funciones y tareas de este puesto.</li><li>Realizar otras tareas que le sean asignadas.</li><li>Seguir siempre (nunca se desv?e de) los procedimientos publicados aprobados, a menos que se autorice una desviaci?n adecuada.</li><li>Responsabilidades adicionales, seg?n se indica a continuaci?n, por ?rea de calificaci?n laboral: Tripulaci?n interior: retire, repare y vuelva a instalar los interiores de la aeronave, incluidos los asientos, las cocinas, los ba?os, las paredes laterales, los techos, los pisos, etc.<br><br></li></ul><strong>Calificaciones<br></strong><ul><li>Mec?nico certificado por la FAA con habilitaciones de fuselaje y motor</li><li>Requiere dos (2) a?os de experiencia realizando mantenimiento en las siguientes ?reas en aeronaves de la serie A320 o de tipo similar grande: revisiones de mantenimiento, cambios de motor, cambios de marcha, reparaciones estructurales, aparejos de control de vuelo, mantenimiento de componentes en aeronaves serie A320 o de tipo similar grande, o haber completado satisfactoriamente un curso acreditado de formaci?n de mec?nicos con licencia A&P.</li><li>Cuando lo indique la gerencia, debe obtener la calificaci?n de rodaje y preparaci?n en todos los tipos de aeronave dentro de los seis meses posteriores a la asignaci?n en Mantenimiento de L?nea</li><li>Debe tener la capacidad de completar el entrenamiento de diferencias</li><li>Debe demostrar un comportamiento que represente los valores fundamentales de la empresa de Seguridad, Respeto, Confianza, Colaboraci?n, Valor y Pasi?n mientras se comunica con el personal y act?a en nombre de la empresa.</li><li>Debe tener la capacidad de planificar, organizar y administrar las cargas de trabajo de los subordinados</li><li>El puesto requiere un trabajo f?sico extremadamente extenuante que involucre objetos que superen las 100 libras ocasionalmente y que superen las 50 libras frecuentemente<br><br></li></ul><strong>Calificaci?n ? Mec?nico de tripulaci?n interior<br><br></strong><em>Mec?nico certificado por la FAA con calificaci?n de fuselaje y motor<br></em><ul><li>Requiere dos (2) a?os de experiencia realizando mantenimiento en una o m?s de las siguientes ?reas en aeronaves de la serie A320 o de tipo similar grande: revisiones de mantenimiento, cambios de motor, reemplazo del tren de aterrizaje, reparaciones estructurales, aparejos de control de vuelo, mantenimiento de componentes en la serie A320 aeronave o en una aeronave grande de tipo similar o haber completado con ?xito un curso acreditado de capacitaci?n mec?nica de A&P</li><li>Cuando lo indique la gerencia, debe obtener la calificaci?n de rodaje y preparaci?n en todos los tipos de aeronave dentro de los seis meses posteriores a la asignaci?n en Mantenimiento de l?nea</li><li>Debe tener la capacidad de completar el entrenamiento de diferencias</li><li>Debe demostrar un comportamiento que represente los valores fundamentales de la empresa de Seguridad, Respeto, Confianza, Colaboraci?n, Valor y Pasi?n mientras se comunica con el personal y act?a en nombre de la empresa.</li><li>Debe tener la capacidad de planificar, organizar y administrar cargas de trabajo a los subordinados</li><li>El puesto requiere un trabajo f?sico extremadamente extenuante que involucre objetos de m?s de 100 libras ocasionalmente y m?s de 50 libras. Frecuentemente<br><br></li></ul><strong>Conocimientos y Habilidades <br></strong><ul><li>Debe tener la capacidad de completar el entrenamiento de diferencias</li><li>Debe tener la capacidad de comunicarse verbalmente y por escrito en ingl?s.</li><li>Debe demostrar un comportamiento que represente los valores fundamentales de la empresa de Seguridad, Respeto, Confianza, Colaboraci?n, Valor y Pasi?n mientras se comunica con el personal y act?a en nombre de la empresa.<br><br></li></ul><strong>Equipo de Manejo<br></strong><ul><li>Equipos generales de almac?n: operaci?n de montacargas, transpaletas, camiones peque?os y carretillas de mano</li><li>Estaciones de trabajo de escritorio/PC<br><br></li></ul><strong>Ambiente de Trabajo<br></strong><ul><li>Entorno de hangares y almacenes de aeronaves; las temperaturas pueden variar</li><li>La operaci?n de 24 horas puede requerir turnos o trabajo de fin de semana<br><br></li></ul><strong>Esfuerzo F?sico<br><br></strong>El puesto requiere un trabajo f?sico extenuante. Levantar objetos pesados, empujar o jalar objetos de hasta 100 libras ocasionalmente y/o hasta 50 libras con frecuencia.<br><br><strong>Patrocinio de Trabajo <br><br></strong>Patrocinamos candidatos elegibles bajo los requisitos de las visas TN de los E.E. U.U. para candidatos nacionales de Canad? y M?xico.<br><br><strong>Workplace Policies<br><br></strong><em>At Frontier Airlines, we wholeheartedly support and have a strong commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action. Frontier is committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, gender, gender variance, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, martial status, national origin, citizenship status, disability, military, veteran status, and any other basis protected by federal, state, or local laws.<br><br></em><em>Diversity is an essential part of our success. Our company flourishes because of the unique backgrounds, skills and ideas that our team members contribute every day. We salute and actively recruit veterans. Military experience is valuable and transferable to many of the positions essential to the operations of our airline.<br><br></em><em>Frontier Airlines is a Zero Tolerance Drug-Free Workplace. All prospective DOT safety-sensitive employees are subject to pre-employment testing for the following drugs and their metabolites: Marijuana, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Opioids and Phencyclidine (PCP). Further, any DOT safety-sensitive job applicant who is found to have tested positive on any required drug or alcohol test at a former employer will be considered ineligible for employment with Frontier.<br><br></em><em>Disclaimer: The above statements are intended only to describe the general nature and level of work required of the referenced position; they are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties, and skills required of individuals in this position. Please be advised that duties and expectations of this position may be subject to change.</em>